People constantly ask me how to get gum or Play-Doh out of their carpet. I’ve heard a lot of strange techniques and ideas over the years, but there’s one surefire way to easily remove gum or Play-Doh, and I’ll tell you exactly how to do it. This particular technique works on almost any sticky, gummy substance that’s gotten stuck in your carpet and then dried up and hardened. Chewing gum, Play-Doh, candy, fruit preserves and similar things are no match for this secret process I’m about to share with you. To keep things simple from here on out, I’ll use the word “gum”, but the process works on many things. However, proceed at your own risk. I’m not accepting responsibility if you damage your carpet or injure yourself. As a professional carpet cleaner, I truly believe you should call a pro, but I understand not everybody can afford to do that. If that includes you, I still want to help, which is why I wrote this article. Are you r...